Airtel and Its Fair Usuage Policy
Hi …

Airtel Sucks
Today this is my second post … wanted to post this article long back..anyway here it is
Few weeks back Airtel , India`s largest Internet Service Provider ( ISP ) silently changed few things in their site and thought that it will go unnoticed.. But they are DAMN wrong !!
So what happened ?
India`a IT is booming at a very rapid speed and to feed it with junk food called Internet has been a problem off lately ..
With more than thousands of people getting to know or joining the netizen community each and every day .. the ISP`s are facing a situation,in which they are now forced to UPGRADE THEIR hardware’s and other equipment to meet the growing demands.So now comes the problem .. with the world economic slow down and increasing hardware rates , these ISP`s are forced to either block new connection , which they cant , or charge more from the Business Plan users ( the big companies which get a massive 8 MBps , etc ) which again they cant do .. or they they should downgrade the present Slow users ( the HOME USERS ) , which they have started to do.. , thinking that most of the Home Users wont question a thing and mostly are Job holders , busy people and users who use internet rarely.. But they are again wrong … Present day users are more sophisticated and they know what they are doing and they don’t want any deficit in their world of internet…
this picture is taken from

Airtel Fair Usuage
As you can see from the picture … the unlimited usage is being severely capped and we are put in a position to use less …
My question to them
>>> When we pay for unlimited , we really pay for it …. hard earned money so that we can enjoy the internet without any hassle and enjoy as we like
>>> When did TRAI give you permission to cap the download ??
>>> If you cant even provide a minimum 50 % of bandwidth , then the why the hell are you still a ISP ??
so friends hope you understand whats happening now .. and if are really interested in protesting against this atrocious behavior please sign in this petition
Things to remember before you file a petition
1.) Please give a valid Email
2.) You will receive a email after entering the petition , please confirm your entry by clicking the confirmation email
3.) If you fail to confirm your entry through the email you receive , its total waste just by simply entering the petition , because unconfirmed entries are not counted
4.) please feel free to enter in your comment!!
The future of Indian Broadband is at stake , so please participate and Please spread the word in ORkut , face book , email your friend ,
Spread the Word !!
2 Responses
[…] i posted a article regarding Airtel and its fair usage policy. but it seems reliance , one of the companies we think will revolutionize our Indian Communication […]
[…] just a blog entry as of now. But i am glad that someone who previously fought against the Famous FUP issue is now on the issue . We might see a online petition soon , at present we need all your supports. […]